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Hello, Recently bought a m650, good energiser, putting out around 9.4kv on offset wire 40 acres, this is going through some sifton bush as well. I put in a gallagher super earth kit in a gully that gets pretty wet in a downpour, ground is typical of north central vic, rocky in places but no trouble getting charge, I run earth and power cable from shed through 1 inch poly to fence, also run 1 inch poly from water tank to earth on a timer so the earth is kept moist in summer. Really happy with this energiser, plenty of grunt.
Hello, Recently bought a m650, good energiser, putting out around 9.4kv on offset wire 40 acres, this is going through some sifton bush as well. I put in a gallagher super earth kit in a gully that gets pretty wet in a downpour, ground is typical of north central vic, rocky in places but no trouble getting charge, I run earth and power cable from shed through 1 inch poly to fence, also run 1 inch poly from water tank to earth on a timer so the earth is kept moist in summer. Really happy with this energiser, plenty of grunt.